Classic yet gorgeous

Our first theme of the week is classic wedding cakes, and to follow on from Kate and Will’s royal wedding cake is this beauty from Little Venice Cake Company shows us how classic is anything but boring! The Lace Veil Cake is just £1,100… looks like we better start saving up!

Source: Little Venice Cake Company

Source: Little Venice Cake Company


Hello! We are To Have & To Eat, and over the next 6 weeks we will be bringing you a variety of wedding cake inspiration through this blog and also our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages.

To start us off, look at this beautiful cake that was made for Will and Kate’s royal wedding, traditional yet so detailed and majestic. Would something similar to this be of your fancy for your own wedding? Let us know your thoughts by commenting on this post or Tweeting/Facebooking us!

Source: Royal Collection

Copyright: The Royal Collection

Copyright: The Royal Collection